Friday, January 8, 2010

Oooh La La!

I'll never forget the day - June 18, 2004 - the day that changed my underwear drawer.  I was sitting at work one morning reading the Wall Street Journal and there it was on the front page...hello Hanky Panky:

I knew what I was doing after work!  I went to the Hanky Panky website to see where they were sold.  I just HAD to have them so I headed to the lingerie shop the minute I left the office.

By the time I got there, they had already sold out of most of their stock!  The saleswoman said that men had been coming in all day long looking for the underwear they read about in the Wall Street Journal and buying 10 or 12 pairs for their wives!  (My husband wouldn't be caught DEAD in a lingerie store buying me underwear.)

I bought a few pairs and headed home.  I changed out of my work clothes into jeans since I was meeting a few girlfriends for drinks after work.  I tossed on my new Hanky Panky underwear and off I went!  They were so comfy!  I had tried other brands like Cosabella, On Gossamer and Natori, but these were now my favorite and have been ever since.

When I got to the wine bar I HAD to tell my girlfriends about my new find!  I knew they'd love it too.  I relayed the story to them and pulled out a tiny bit of lace from the top of my waistband so they could see what they looked like.  They are hooked now too!

Over the years I have accumulated MANY pairs of Hanky Pankys.  My drawer is full of them - the low rise and the originals.  I have pretty much invested a small fortune in this company (they are now $18 a pair versus $15 when the article came out).

You're probably wondering why I'm writing about Hanky Pankys - EVERYONE knows about Hanky Pankys by now!  Well, my sister also loves her Hanky Pankys.  Being the amazing Target shopper that she is, she told me that Target now has a version of the Hanky Pankys...FOR $4 A PAIR!  Aren't sisters the BEST?  I had to check them out.  

You know what?  I think I might like them a little MORE than the originals!  They fit and feel the same, but the back is a little smaller so when you wear them under things like workout clothes (or my uniform) you can't see the outline of the fabric like you can with the Hanky Pankys.  They are made by Gilligan & O'Malley and have held up so far in the wash, but I am not expecting great things when it comes to longevity (I mean they ARE $4).

So, next time you are at Target, look for this display....

and pick up a few pairs!

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