Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Design Goals 2010

Sorry for falling off the face of the earth!  Life got busy and things got in the way which meant that blogging was put on the back burner.  I'm back and hope to be writing a little more regularly now.  I hope you missed me!

I love to decorate and I am always moving things around in my house - furniture, accessories, you name it.  Something I've been wanting to get better at in 2010 is accessorizing and in particular layering and creating small vignettes around my house to complete the look.  So, this has become one of my deign goals in 2010.

These vignettes or tablescapes can be created almost anywhere - on an entry table, a mantle, bedside table, bookshelf, dresser....the possibilities are endless.

Here are a few examples.  I hope they get your creative juices flowing too!

Dan Marty, photo courtesy of SF Examiner

Annsley McAleer, Domino, April 2007

Dan Marty, Western Interiors, April/May 2009

 Anette Joseph, Decorating, Winter 2008

Domino, June 2008, photograph by Matt Albiani


 Dan Marty, photo courtesy of SF Examiner

1 comment:

  1. I love the first and last Dan Marty pictures. You so have to help me with our new place.
