Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

These pictures made my heart melt when my sister sent them to me.  Remember my post last week on the St. Patrick's Day books I sent to my nephews?  This is why I LOVE giving them books.  Look at their imagination run wild!  Here's my oldest nephew, Chase, reading the book, The Night Before St. Patrick's Day:

Chase - 2.5 years old

He is intently looking at the page in the book where the kids set several traps for the leprechaun!  

Check out the trap he made to catch a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day!  Notice the shiny cookie cutter on top of the box to attract the leprechaun?  Apparently leprechauns like shiny objects.

He made a set of stairs with some of his blocks and he even used small ladders because leprechauns are small.  Is this kid smart or what?  (OK, I'm a little biased.)

Here Chase shows us what happens to the leprechaun when it tries to get the shiny object...

He falls in the box!

I hope that all of you are able to capture your own leprechaun and that you have a great St. Patrick's Day too!

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